Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sunday mornings at Emmorton

What will Sunday mornings look like at Emmorton Elementary School?

The Vine's core leadership is praying and reflecting on how we can effectively use our time on Sunday mornings. One of our values is to guard against pulling our people into too many planning meetings. This means, the more we can accomplish on Sundays, the more time we'll have for family and mission!. So here's our first stab . . .

8:00/8:30 - set-up and prayer

9:30 - "grassroots" worship - think participation! have an instrument? bring it. made a worship video? show it. write a poem? read it. We'll use The City to collaborate on the worship theme and bring the best ideas to share during this time. Families with children will worship together.

9:55 - fellowship and kid check-in time - we'll take a break, grab some coffee and conversation and check our kids into children's worship.

10:05 - teaching - time to hear the Word and apply the Word, we'll use media - video, drama, prezi, etc. to learn

10:25 - communion - every Sunday! we promise

10:35 - community-building breakouts - a time for discipleship and team building as we learn how to "bear fruit" as The Vine. We'll spend time discovering our personal mission, affinities, spiritual gifts, how we fit together as a team, training on the tools we'll be using, planning events, etc.

no later than 11:00 - pack up

we recognize this a major shift from starting at 11:00. Remember, our mission. remember your call. We are moving places and times to love our community into a relationship with Jesus Christ. Starting between 9 and 10 is optimal for our culture as is ending by 11:00. Share your comments.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Project 10:2b

Will you pray with us and for our mission?

Project 10:2b is an easy way to remember The Vine daily in prayer. Simply set your watch, cell phone or PDA alarm to 10:02 a.m. or p.m.

Why 10:02?

In Luke 10:2, Jesus tells his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. " (NIV)

Eugene Peterson in The Message translates Jesus' words this way - “What a huge harvest! And how few the harvest hands. So on your knees; ask the God of the Harvest to send harvest hands."

We are praying at 10:02 and invite you to join with us where ever you are. We need harvest hands and we need to ask God (actually beg from the depths of our souls!) for workers. The good news is - God wants to answer this prayer. He's just waiting to be asked! So join with us. Let's see God increase His Kingdom through the prayers and mission of Christ's followers.