Thursday, December 16, 2010

Next Steps

Now in the church at Antioch there were prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch) and Saul. While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So after they had fasted and prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off. – Acts 13:1-3

The early church was a sending church. Listening to the Holy Spirit, the church sent its best and brightest out to spread the Gospel, to start new churches throughout Asia Minor. Multiplication was the word of the day.

The image of Acts 13 is the image that we too should share as The Vine begins the journey to start a new campus of Bel Air UMC. God has provided the place – by the time you read this our facilities application with Emmorton Elementary School will be in process or finalized. We have, as of this writing, 52 youth and adults who have said yes to starting this new faith community. I am sure the Holy Spirit is not done calling others - perhaps you?

And the leadership of BAUMC and The Vine has set March 6 as the sending date.

So what will the next months offer? The leadership of BAUMC has planned a time of transition in January and February. Pastor Barry will transition back into the teaching role for 11:00 while Pastor Stan will focus on shepherding the fifty plus who have committed to going offsite. They will share some Sundays together while some Sundays, The Vine is planning immersion experiences like a road trip to a cutting-edge church plant and a community prayer watch on Sunday morning. Our two communities will share communion together and bless one another.

What happens after the move? Both the main campus worship team and The Vine will need to spend energy developing leadership. The Vine will be learning how to do mobile church which includes children ministry, youth and life group formation. Setup and tear down will take on new meaning. Our energies will go into building relationships of trust and inviting people we already know to join us in forming a new faith community. We’ll worship casually on Sundays and work on developing healthy life groups that do life together. You can read more at

Here are some dates for you to mark on your calendar . . .

January 9 – Life on the Vine @ 11:00 – the practical aspects of being a mobile church will be shared.

January 23 – Community prayer watch

January 30 – Fifth Sunday baptism celebration

February 13 – Vision road trip

February 27 – Commissioning of The Vine community at all services. Pastor Stan to preach.

March 6 – Prayer and consecration service at Emmorton Elementary

March 13 – The Vine begins the process of growing life groups, core team leadership, serving Emmorton and Abingdon, casual worship, planning preview worship and community events – being MRI – missional, relational, incarnational

How will we stay connected? The beauty of the campus model is that The Vine will still be part of BAUMC. Pastor Stan will still have an office at the church. All the ad-ministry will be shared. Those from the main campus who choose to will receive periodic updates. Those who have pledged to pray will receive weekly requests. And we are not moving to China! It will mean that everyone will need to be more intentional about maintaining friendships that were often supported by meeting on Sunday morning.

If you've driven down Tollgate Road you can’t help but notice the thousands of town homes - "fields white . . .", ready to bear fruit for God's Kingdom. The second part of that statement by Jesus is "pray for workers for the harvest!" And that's what we feel now. Pray! Who will join us in the work of loving the people of Abingdon into a relationship with Jesus Christ? The Vine would be blessed by your prayers, encouragement, financial support, and service. God is in this mission. Will you join him in his work?

Finally, thanks to all who have made commitments to pray or financially support this initiative – God bless you!

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