Thursday, June 2, 2011

tSoGS - Genesis 27:1-40 Reflection

Genesis 27:1-40

Okay, we're starting to pick up steam and skipping chapters now. I really encourage you to go back and read between our readings if you have time (and you do if you turn off the TV!) But let me fill in some of the holes. . . .

Remember Isaac from yesterday? Abraham's (father of multitudes) son through Sarah? The one who almost became a sacrifice due to Abraham's faithfulness?

Well Isaac grows up, marries him a girl from back home - Rebecca. She gets pregnant - they have twins. First out is Esau (red hairy dude) and next is Jacob. (Fast track to that multitudes promise.)

Dysfunction starts right away. Parents play favorites. Isaac is partial to the man's man Esau. Rebecca likes her homeboy Jacob.

One day, Esau comes home from a hard day of hunting and in a moment of neglect trades his birthright (first born son gets the family blessing and the double share) to metro-sexual Jacob for a bowl of soup.

Now how this story plays out since Isaac didn't agree to this is found in Genesis 27. Read it! It doesn't take a lot of explaining. It's rather sad. The sneaky one gets the prized blessing. The hero is the second born - brains over brawn. And Momma helps Momma's boy in the duplicitous action. Esau skulks away with the consolation blessing.

Fearing that big older hairy brother might come after him, Jacob high tails it out of Dodge in fear for his life.

And from this point forward, God is known as the God of Abraham, Isaac, and JACOB not the God of Abraham, Issac, and ESAU.

How's that for perfect biblical heroes? Nobody "cleaned up" the story for later generations. (Which speaks to its authenticity.) Raw deceit wins out.

But just wait, the family dysfunction continues into the next generation. (This is better than any soap opera!)

You'd rather watch Dancing with the Stars than read this?!?

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