Monday, June 6, 2011

TSoGS – Genesis 30:14-24

Every time I read in Genesis, I realize that by following Christ I have joined one crazy, messed up family.

But it IS my family. God's family. Made up of his beloved, hurting and hurtful children. It is full of Jacobs, and Leahs and Rachaels, and Zilpas and Bilhahs. Full of children and adults hurt by families that are just as strange and Jacob's.

This passage leads to Joseph, Rachael's first and Jacobs's favorite. It is a transition point because with the birth of Joseph, Jacob decides to go home.

Take this time to consider your family, the brothers and sisters and in this place where God has brought you.

Today is a short day so reread the passage. What sticks out for you?

Questions to think about?

  1. Are you feeling barren like Rachael or inadequate like Leah? Can you think of some who may be feeling this way? What can you do to encourage them?

  2. Did God abandon either sister – did He ignore one's prayer over another?

  3. Why is it important to see God's family warts and all?

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