Monday, May 30, 2011

tSoGS - Genesis 12:1-9 Reflection

Genesis 12:1-9

After all the mess coming out of the Fall - murder, sexual debauchery, a flood, envy, idolatry, a tower of babel, drunkenness, etc. . . the story shifts to one man - Abram and his wife Sarai. (It actually begins with Terah, his father, who started the migration from Ur to Canaan but never got there.)

Abram was 75 (never too old) when God called - "Leave everybody behind and head where I tell you." And then the line - the promise that sets everything in motion - "All families on earth will be blessed through you." Another thread pointing to Jesus.

Abram heads toward Canaan and God says "this is the spot." And what Abram does should not be overlooked. He doesn't build a house. He doesn't try to obtain the land. He builds an altar. Why an altar? What are altars used for? The spot became a sacred spot - a set-apart spot - dedicated to God.

What areas of your life still need an altar? God wants to bless you, but He can't bless what is not offered to him. Start building some altars - today.

Wonder why God chose Abram? Could it be because he recognized that it all belongs to God?

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