Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Jesse Tree - December 18

Today's text - Esther 4:10-17

If you don't know the story of Esther, you might want to read the book.  It's not long and filled with drama.

Esther is an orphan, raised by her uncle.  She's also beautiful and catches the eye of the King Xerxes.  He  makes her Queen not knowing that she is Jewish.  At the advise of a counselor, a Jew hater, Xerxes calls for the extermination of a group of people who fail to follow royal cultural protocol and edicts.  This means the extermination of  the Jews.  Esther is called on by her uncle to save her people by appealing to the king.  But appealing to the king without permission could mean her life.

The family tree, Jesse's line, is threatened again.

Contrast Xerxes with Christ.

One a human king who holds court like a god.

The other a divine King who humbles himself, makes himself nothing, takes the very form of a servant.

One can withhold his scepter - which means death to the one who seeks the counsel of the king without proper permission.

The other never refuses the company of those who come to him in humility.

This is our King of kings and Lord of lords!

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