Today's text - Deuteronomy 5:1-22 (click to read)
This is one reflection with which I disagree with Mrs Voskamp.
Her take - God gave ten commandments we can't possibly keep because of our sin nature.
My take - really?
These are the first grade of moral laws.
1. No other gods but God
2. No idols
3. Honor God's name
4. Rest on the Sabbath
5. Honor your parents
6. Don't murder
7. Don't sleep around
8. Don't steal
9. Don't slander
10. Don't go greedy eyes for (covet) someone else's stuff
Do you really think the Hebrew people heard this and went, "Wow, that's downright impossible. Throw in the towel."
These ten are the foundation stones of a civil society. The BASICS. Stack those ten up against the federal and state laws of the United States.
Do any of them look impossible to keep? (okay maybe the parents or the covet one. . . or maybe the slander one - see that all the time on facebook - especially during election season. well, faithfulness to a spouse. . . . but wait - have I stolen time from my employer? . . . okay I have to shop on Sundays - I don't have time during the week . . . but hey, I've got no problem with idols - depending on how you define them.)
What is flabbergasting is that we humans have such a difficult time with such simple rules. (Ann is right - we are fallen creatures.)
If we can't keep these, how will we ever get to heart of the Kingdom which is about loving our neighbor?
Love is not leaving alone.
Love is not ignoring.
Love is not minding your own business.
Love is proactive. Love is serving. Love is sharing.
And love is where we most often fail.
Jesus raised the bar on the law. He came not to abolish it but to fulfill it.
And in the process raised the ten exponentially.
It's not enough to acknowledge or believe in God, rather Love Him with all of your being.
That adultery action? Now it's about the mind and heart. Lust and you fail.
That murder command? Get angry often? Strike two.
Have more than enough and fail to share? Called strike - you're OUT!
Jesus is ultimately saying stop trying to live a minimalist ten commandment life.
God and neighbor.
Love. Serve. Share.
The Kingdom of God is at hand.
Repent. Turn. Change. Stop living as a minimalist!
The ten commandments are Kindergarten lessons in the Kingdom.
People of faith - no more baby food.
The least in the Kingdom is greater than John the Baptist (hit the pause and ponder that)
We are free of the Law.
Free to love fully.
We love because He first loved us.
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