Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The Jesse Tree - December 24

Today's text - Luke 2:1-5

I'm writing on Christmas Eve (oops forgot to write last night), but probably not a bad time (for me) to write since this IS the Christmas story.

90 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem.

Mary is nine months pregnant - with Jesus.

Joseph is required by the government to take a business trip.

No reason is given but for some reason, Mary comes with him.

Only conjecture - have things deteriorated in Nazareth to the point that Mary has to come with Joseph - no one at home to protect her? support her? help her deliver?

Because the alternative is not pretty.

No bus.  No air transportation.

One if by land.  Two if by land.

(By the way, the donkey?  May or may not have been in the picture.  The Scriptures don't say. (And your nativity is NOT authoritative (nor is the movie, The Nativity.)))

(a thousand points for anyone who can find a picture of Mary and Joseph traveling WITHOUT a donkey - besides the one above)

So picture the couple hiking - maybe. Or a camel - maybe.  Or a donkey - maybe.

90 miles.

The story of Jesus' birth

includes a homeless, haggard, transient couple.

This is how God chooses to introduce himself to the world.

No hospital.

No ER.

Not even a comfortable room with a midwife.

"Foxes haves dens, birds have nests, but the Son of Man has not place to lay his head."

Jesus, the transient.

This world was never really his home.

This world, for those born of the Spirit, is not really our home.

We're just passing through.

As Mary and Joseph did on that holy night.

Just as Jesus did, a feed trough for a bed.

Away in a manger.


Followed by a fast escape to Egypt.

Born to run.

This is our God.

This is love.

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