Abram and Sarai are the poster-children for Plan B living.
God specifically gave them an A Plan.
"Pack up and move and I'll let you know when you get there. . . . and I'm going to turn your descendants into a great nation."
The childless couple waited ten years. Then started Plan B. Hagar, Sarai's servant, would bear Abram a child. Even though God reiterated that this NOT THE PLAN.
Nevertheless, Abram married Hagar, had a son, Ishmeal, at which point family dynamics exploded and Hagar and Ishmael are exiled by Sarai.
They later all end up starring on an episode of Jerry Springer.
No, not really, but this is THE couple who God chose as the founders of Judaism?!?
If you have time, you should read the whole story.
I love that the Bible - God's story - isn't sanitized or prettied up. Heroes and founders are fallible. All to show God's grace in great detail.
God remains faithful.
God's "steadfast love" never fails.
You should never let God's mercy not amaze you.
Here's some questions to reflect on. I encourage you to share your thoughts.
When can you recall attempting to force your dream into reality?
In what ways did the results show you that control is only an illusion?
What have you learned from this experience?
Are you more eager and able to accept God's plan for your life?
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