Monday, June 10, 2013

Draw the Circle - Day 8 - One God Idea

"Speak to the earth, and it will teach you."

Wonderful story/quote about George Washington Carver.  I can't find it online for those who don't have the book (sorry!).

One God idea is worth a bushel of good ideas.

I've always heard the "good" is the enemy of "great."

I've seen it in churches that are healthy enough growing a little, maybe even just maintaining, and being "okay" with things as-is.  Things are going good so why change?  I hope we Viners never get comfortable with good when we can have great, when we can have God.

How great is our God!

God ideas are only reveled in the presence of God.  Which brings us back to prayer.

Time to do some knee bends?

I want to share some of what God has placed on my heart for the Vine's future this Sunday, but I also want to hear from you. As you circle the Vine in prayer, what God-ideas is God giving you about the Vine?

Hey Stan - you're the pastor - you went to seminary - you get paid to do this.  Why us?  

Because I trust the Holy Spirit to speak the same thing to more than one of us or even two of us.  I believe in corporate discernment.  If it's a God-idea, God through His Spirit, will whisper it to more than one person.

Look at this - Jesus said it . . .

"I also tell you this: If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you." - Matthew 18:39

I believe Jesus was implying what I just wrote - the Spirit works in us to bring unity.

And we hear better when all ears are inclined to heaven!

In my last church, I once asked 200 church members gathered in our sanctuary, for consensus over whether we should purchase 25 acres of land for a new family life center.  No one voted against it and the church now has a wonderful piece of property to handle future growth.

When we had a major decision to merge three congregations into one and yet retain all three properties I again asked for consensus in a room of 200.  The Spirit moved  - no one dissented - and we moved forward.  That merged community is now First Saints Community Church with seven services over five campuses. 

Unity and vision and prayer - confirmed in community - through the power and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

People told me, before hand, in so many words, that i was foolish to seek consensus among such a large group

Actually, I think it's foolish to move forward into a major action without consensus and unity!

(I despise Robert's Rules - the Spirit cannot whisper for 51% to vote one way and 49% the other - SOMEBODY isn't listening!)

And that's at the heart of my request.  It's hard to hear God when we're not listening

So get on your knees. (The reception is better down there!)

And let's let God shape our big dreams and God ideas - together.

And when we agree and ask  - GOD WILL DO IT!

1 comment:

Kathy Pitrat said...

I did several prayer circles around the school on Sunday before the service started. During that time I found myself praying for unity in decision-making among all of us. I think God wants us to be in consensus.
For those who have done some prayer walking around the building, I urge you to do it. God is speaking. God is listening. God is moving.