Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Draw the Circle - Day 9 - Dream Factory

"We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." - 2 Corinthians 10:5

I LOVE Mark Batterson's story about Mark and peanut paste - about Ebeneazor's Coffee House being set apart as a dream factory. That dream resonates in my soul.  It's why we've done Advent Conspiracy and are in the middle of planning and raising funds for Laz's Well.

(By the way, I've field tested Network for Good - we now have an online source for receiving donations. Click this link - Lazarus' Well Project  - to see our new opportunity to accept online donations!

But as much as I love this inspiring story - and I do believe God is completely guiding it, I do get frustrated with Mark B's manipulation of scripture to make it say what he wants.  In question - the passage above from 2 Corinthians.  There is no way to make this text also mean that we should take our dreams captive - unless our dreams are disobedient to begin with.  Read the whole paragraph and you realize that Paul is talking about sin and "arguments and pretensions that sets itself up against the knowledge of God." It's NOT about, according to Mark, "capturing creative thoughts and keeping them in our minds."  This haphazard-ness with Scripture disappoints me on a lot of levels.

Of course his idea is not wrong - my beef is - always is - from anybody - making God's Word say something it doesn't.

So yes - journal creative thoughts - be like the HP employees in those commercials from a few years back who were always asking "What if . . .?  Be creative problem solvers.  Dare to dream big dreams for God.  ASK GOD to give you big dreams.  Let's see what the Spirit imparts.

I prayed a prayer in a family food ministry meeting a week ago that blew (even) me away with its boldness.  God may or may not call us to feed a million people, but I know He wants us to circle Harford County and end hunger here - this place with both rich farm land and hungry people.  I have no doubt that he placed Sandy Juchs in our lives for a reason.  But the dream that I prayed will require lots of $$$ and people and resources - of which I have no idea where to turn.  Still I will pray.  And I invite you too as well.

I can hardly give more details than that since I can only see dimly, but clarity will come - with time - and as we move and God opens doors through our prayers.

And I invite you to share this blog - maybe someone you know will catch the vision or be inspired to join with us.  And of course, the more pressing need is to finalize the funds for Laz's Well so send the link.  You can also invite people to give easily through facebook.

God bless.

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